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Spring Fever?

February 28, 2011

I am so glad that it is getting to be spring time! We have lovely daffodils springing up everywhere. They are an instant smile maker. And a sign that it is time for me to get the house decorated for spring. I don't change much up for spring, just a few simple changes and a spring-inspired mantel are it. I tried to keep the decor centered around natural elements with splashes of orange and green.

I am a simple girl and love a clean dining room table. I don't keep it set and ready for guests but I do like a small centerpiece. This was easy to make with items already on-hand. I added some twine to a vase and then popped in some yellow and orange tulips. Then I placed the vase on some burlap scraps.

The mantel features some more DIY-twine projects and on-hand items. I picked up two brass candle sticks, on sale for $1 each, from the thrift store and wrapped them in twine. The large antique copper-looking dog was a major happy moment find - he was only $16. The lantern was purchased at Halloween and used to balance the height of the dog. I spray painted the $2 thrift store mirror orange and leaned it up on the mantel to help reflect light.

I also want to add some bright colored pillows on the couch to make it fun. And besides for the pillows, the house is decorated for spring. Like I said, I don't do much. I just like a change from the winter colors and some brighter colors. What have you done to brighten your house for spring?