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No Walk In The Park

March 08, 2011

Remodel This House first came to the blogging world on November 10, 2010. So that makes us (the blog, not me) about 4 months old, and a lot has happened since the beginning. Projects have been featured on Curbly, Knock Off Decor, DIY Life, and numerous other blogs and sites. I have been truly blessed with some great friends that choose to follow me and read along everyday - hey y'all!

But what I really want to say is...this blogging thing is no walk in the park! I love writing about my escapades in home remodeling and sharing my house with the world. However, it is tough too because I work a 40 plus hour job (and I'm on call after hours) and then try to do home projects and blog about them in my "free time".  I'm doing my best over here trying to keep the blog fun and informative.

Anyhoo, I thought this was a great time to post this get to know me survey I was emailed. You have seen my house and read a little about me; however, this will really tell you who I am...maybe.

What is your occupation right now?      Emergency Manager, part-time blogger, wanna-be-designer
What color are your socks right now?      Not wearing any
What are you listening to right now?      My dog, Paris, squeaking her toy
What was the last thing that you ate?      Lindor truffle, so good
Food you hate?      Easy – mushrooms, fish and bananas.
Can you drive a stick shift?      You betcha!
Favorite sport to watch on tv?      College football – Woo Pig Sooie!
How old are you today?      26
What is your favorite season?      Fall
Cherries or Blueberries?      Blueberries definitely
What is on the floor of your closet?      Oh man, this had to be asked.      Too much. Clothes, shoes, purses, etc.
What did you do last night?      Gave my dogs a bath, very fun night
Favorite dog breed?      Pomeranian! Mt. Feist is a close second.
How many states have you lived in?      Just one – good ol’ Arkansas
What is your favorite flower?      Tulips or lilies

So that is a few short and sweet Q&A's about me. Have anything else you want to know about me? Ask away. I love to talk!