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Baby Birds, Take 2

May 22, 2011

For some unknown reason to me, blogger decided to eat my baby robin post for breakfast the other day. Well guess what blogger…you can’t stop me that easily. I am writing another post on the babies, and I promise that this will be the last one…maybe.
Just to bring you up to speed quickly – we had 2 robins hatch in a nest by our back door. I was upset when they flew the nest less than a week old.
However, we (my hubby and I) have seen a baby bird twice now. And I was lucky enough to catch one of the times on video:
And snap a few pictures:

I don’t know why I am so interested in some birds. There is a bird that lives inside my house and I am never interested in him. Anyways, this ends the baby bird posts on the blog.
Oh – sorry I have been MIA lately. My real job has had me working 14+ hour days, and then I worked nights this week. Hopefully all disasters and flooding will stay away from the state for awhile and I can use my evenings for remodeling instead of real job work. And I will be able to post some quality DIY posts.