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Roadside Freebies - Ultimate Jackpot

May 08, 2011

I spent Saturday shopping at flea markets and thrift stores with my parents. And while on the way back to my house, we spot something that looks like a yard sale with a large "free" sign in the middle. Free?! We had to go back and at least look. And guess what the sign really said.... "free, inside and out." What? The house was wide open and there were two other people there gathering up a few items. So, we just make ourselves at home and take what we want...inside the house too.

Now let me explain this free-for-all house. It was damaged by trees and a tornado during the recent storms. The family that had lived there took the items they wanted and then opened up the doors for what was left. It wasn't the cleanest or safest house, but it was a free-for-all, inside and out house. There were a few items that were no-takers, like the stove, refrigerator, or anything attached to the house - windows, hot water heater, etc. Why were they no-takers? Because that is what we were told and we follow the rules.

I am just like my parents - I'm a digger. We all got inside the house and moved trash, opened cabinet doors, dug through piles of stuff, and even had to move some tree branches out of the way. And we came away with an entire truck load of free goodies. It was the ultimate jackpot!

Now for the freebie run down:
1 round dining room table in perfect condition
1 coffee table with fold-down sides
1 fish tank (for my niece)
1 head board
1 foot board
3 wood chairs - none of them match
Water hose
Numerous spindles
Set of dining room table legs - just the legs
Pair of metal nesting tables
1 brown belt for me
Soccer ball (also for my niece)
Victoria's Secret Pink lotion - brand new

I think that is all, but I'm not sure. I would almost bet that my mom or dad found some other things and stuffed them into the truck too. This was the best free pick ever and far surpassed our flea market and thrift store finds from earlier in the day.

Out of respect for the family, I did not take any pictures of the house.