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Braided T-shirt Scarf

June 30, 2011

Round three of t-shirt remodeling - braided scarf. Another easy, all season scarf tutorial. The instructions are similar to the circle-scarf, except the circles in this scarf are cut and then braided. And, I finally graduated to a cutting mat and rotary cutter. Go me!

Step 1 - Lay the shirt out flat and cut the bottom hem off. Then cut straight across the shirt right under the arm pits.

Step 2 - Cut the shirt into 1 inch strips

Step 3 - Stretch the strips. Leave one strip to the side and don't stretch it.

Step 4 - Then cut the strips so the circles are broken.

Step 5 -  Leave about 6 inches of fringe and then begin braiding. I used a clear pony-tail holder to secure all the strips together. And then I put the strips under the edge of a table to hold in place while I braided.

Step 6 - Braid the strips. Leave about 6 inches of fringe at the end.

Step 7 - Secure the two ends together with the extra strip from step 3.

Step 8 - Wear it! - No pics. I had been working outside with no makeup and I'm not about to take a pic to put on the internet looking like that! But maybe I'll take a few pics tonight and update.

And - I almost lost a finger to the rotary cutter. That thing is sharp! My finger was nothing to it. So....maybe I haven't graduated yet.