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Fighting Blinds

June 02, 2011

Have I ever told you that I am not a fan of mini blinds? Particularly the 1" vinyl type, which is what the house had when we bought it. I despise them so much that I removed them from almost every room in the house. I have bamboo shades or roman shades on most windows now; however, there are a few windows that still had the dreaded one-inchers. It is time that those suckers hit the curb are donated to the Habitat Restore. 2" wood blinds are taking their place. Still not the best in my opinion, but far superior to what we inherited with the house.

I bought the blinds from Orange (use your imagination), since they were cheaper than Blue. I also received a cutting mini blind 101 lesson from a sales associate. They have a neat machine that does all the work and makes a clean cut. These are actually my blinds in the tray getting cut down from 72" to 71".

With my perfectly-cut blinds, I load them up in the Mini and head to the house. Yes, a Mini...affectionately named Stella. Who needs a truck when you have a Mini Cooper that easily hauls extra-long mini blinds...

First window to get the new-blind treatment is the one in the master bedroom. This window is the large 71-incher. This sad window only had solar shades that matched the wall color. As well as same-color furniture, and even a tan color bicycle, compliments of the hubby. It all made the sitting area a dull, color-less hole.

And after following the directions and installing the hangers, I was ready to install the blinds. (It actually didn't go as easy as I typed. There might or might not have been some screw-driver chunking and a few ill-words directed towards the anchors. I'll spare you the details.) Heaving those hefty things into the hangers was not an easy job for a little girl, but I succeeded and couldn't be more happy with the new blinds.

Warning, real life picture coming up. No staging or moving things around. This is how the sitting area in the master bedroom looks right now:

Next up is curtains for this space. One set of blinds down....four more to go. Wish me luck.