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July 18, 2011

This past weekend, I got to sneak peek into a house rich with history. It was built in 1876 and will be the new home/house for my brother, sis-in-law, and niece. The house features an upstairs porch and two very old magnolia trees in the front yard. And while I was drooling over the sky-high ceilings and moulding, I managed to snap a few pics with my trusty iphone. These pictures don't do the house justice, just know that there is enough potential and years of fun DIY projects to keep the family busy.

Here is the front of the house...and the magnolia trees. They are large and in-charge, but make some great Southern charm. Also, if you look very closely, you might can see my dad working away on the upstairs porch. Look closely, he's there.

The entire house is getting a new paint job. Yes, we have all been busy replacing boards, pressure washing, scraping, painting, and drinking Sonic limeades. All of this while on 5 levels of scaffolding...fun times!

Here is another view of the house, and you can see the upstairs porch better.

One of my favorite details of the house are these corbels on the porches. So fancy!

Moving inside, the parlor is to the left of the front door. It has large windows and a gorgeous chandy. The original hardwood floors are hiding underneath that carpet. And as an extra bonus, this rare square grand piano stays with the house.

The den has some great moulding that accentuates the 12 foot ceilings. And with a little paint, this den is going to be a show stopper.

But the biggest show stopper has to be the staircase. It is a fabulous spiral staircase, and has a Harry Potter closet - those were the exact words of my niece. She was a great tour guide.

Upstairs also has 12 foot ceilings. And lots of windows. But it is plain and needs a young family to love it.

I will have lots of pictures to share of the house, both during DIY-projects and after shots. This house is our newest family member and needs a lot of love.