So to appease the masses (all 3 of you) I decided to make a video tour of the outside. Please note that my appearance is seriously lacking since I was doing yard work in 100 degrees at the time of this video. Without further ado, the much-awaited, completely unedited video:
Things to note:
- Can't hear me talking at the beginning. The wind didn't want to play nice while I tried to film.
- Weed beds, not flower beds. They are more like jungle beds...maybe that is the new eco-friendly design? These really must get attention soon.
- Number of crepe myrtles. There must have been a mad sale on them because there are 9 of them in our yard. Yep, 9! And I have successfully killed two of them already.
- Monkey grass everywhere. Must have been on sale just like the crepe myrtles. I hate the stuff and think it make that house look dated, not to mention the bugs and snakes (eek!) that could live in it.
- My spray painting area is well used. I would love to have an actual spray booth, but until I get my dream home, the cast off mirror and plant stand will work nicely.
- The video quality is bad. I saved it in a web format so it would load up quicker.
- Anyways seems to be the word of the day.