I love chalkboards, it is no secret. They are versatile and perfect for my ever-changing-moods. So when it came to a sign for my booth, I knew that a chalkboard was the way to go. I had planned to upcycle a large picture frame into a chalkboard, but then one of my projects went a little wrong and I ended up with a projector screen that is perfect for a chalkboard sign!
My original plan was to make the projector screen base the tripod lamp. That plan went out the window when I couldn't get the screen separated from the base with my small arsenal of tools. I was bummed out until I found the music stand and turned it into the tripod lamp, freeing up the projector screen for another project - a chalkboard.
I'm sure y'all know how to make a chalkboard, but in case you don't... just paint chalkboard paint onto whatever you want. (Preferably not live things.) I laid out the projector screen in the garage and went to town painting.
The projector screen was perfect for my booth since it is lightweight and compact. Plus I can change the wording and use it in my craft room too. And the screen was only $5 at a thrift store. I am giddy with all the possibilities of my new five dollar chalkboard. Here is the upcycled projector screen in action, with me sitting on a fabulous repurposed bench (and ignore my mom's finger):