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A Post Without Pictures.

July 08, 2014

So it’s pretty clear the blog has been super quiet for a while now.  I used to carry around maaaaajor blogger guilt {it’s totally a real thing...I’m assuming it’s similar to “mom guilt”, just on a much smaller scale} about it, but I’ve come to terms with the pace of my blog.  I wish I could be a blogger with a set number of posts a week.  I’d love to promise you guys amazing new projects, multiple times a week, and inspire people every day.  But let’s be serious...with a full-time day job and trying to be somewhat present in my non-Internet life, it’s not a possibility.  Do I find that disappointing?  Of course!!  But I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll post when I have time and have something worthy of posting.

In this sometimes-crazy-competitive-world-of-blogging it can be very easy to get caught up with feeling inadequate.  I don’t post enough.  I didn’t pin enough.  My pictures aren’t professional enough.  My image isn’t pin-worthy.  I don’t have enough followers.  I need to join that new social media platform.  I need to catch up on my blog reading.  I need to respond to comments.  I need to answer my emails. 

I found myself feeling like I was always falling short.  My day job was draining and the pressure to “keep up with the Joneses” of the blogging world was starting to build...so my inspiration went right out the window.  Things that used to come so easily and freely just stopped.  I found myself doing things because I felt like I had to, not because I wanted to.  I lost my focus and needed to step back.  So I did.

I never announced I was taking a blogging break.  I never set a date when I’d start posting again.  I just stopped.  If something inspired me to write, I did, but for the most part…I just backed off from the blogging world and it. was. awesome.

Removing the “pressure” and the “have to” felt fantastic.  It even refreshed my inspiration and motivation for the stuff I used to love.  I’ve got a million and one ideas stirring around in my head, and I want to tackle and post about each and every single one.  Will that happen?  HA, no way!  But the fact that I even feel that way is a big deal.

I’ve accepted that blogging is not my job.  It doesn’t pay my bills.  I cannot keep up with bloggers who do this for a living.  I cannot post regularly.  I do not post stellar pictures worthy of a thousand pins.  I’m just me.  I love to share our home and my passion for pretty things.  I want to inspire others to create a home they love.  I will always keep this space honest and real.  And I’m thankful for amazing people this outlet has brought into my life.


To visually keep up with life happenings…follow me on Instagram.  I have noooo problem posting there. ;)