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Paisley Print Boutique Giveaway!

August 15, 2014

I'm taking the blog a bit off course today.  99.9% of the time I use this little slice of the web to talk about all-things-home/DIY/design related, but today I'm talking about another love of mine...jewelry!

If you follow me on Instagram, you already know I adore jewelry.  Okay, that's putting it lightly.  I fully admit I have a mild problem obsession, but I can't help myself.  I <3 jewelry and fashion...just as much as I love everything-home!

Luckily, this embarrassing Instagram-over-share of my wardrobe caught the attention of a good blog friend, Jen, who reached out to see if I wanted to collaborate with her and help spread the word about her uh-mazing shop, Paisley Print Boutique.  

Ummmmm, yes!!  I was ready to shout about PPB from the top of my lungs...because not only does her shop carry a variety of beautiful goods (I'm talking soap to scarves to paper goods to jewelry to art), but it is making a difference in people's lives.

Several years ago, Jen spent a year on the international mission field.  She worked with many individuals all over the world...from women who were victims of sex-trafficking crimes, to HIV-positive, single-mothers who were trying to support their families in Kenya, to girls who were abducted by the LRA in Uganda. Now, even when she's home in the states, she is able to help those in need through PPB.  

Jen graciously allowed me to pick a few things from her shop.  I fell in love with a pair of Raven + Lily gold leaf earrings and a beautiful necklace from Miriam Designs.  I couldn't wait to wear these pretty things, and I was even more excited when I opened my envelope and saw the adorable packaging she wrapped them in!

It's wonderful when you can use or wear something that doesn't only look good, but makes you feel good, because you know you are making a difference in someone's life.

Now for the exciting part...there are TWO $50 Paisley Print Boutique giveaways up for grabs!!  To enter, just use the Rafflecopter widget below.  And if you can't wait that long to get your hands on some PPB goodies, you can save 20% (today - August 29th) by using the code RetroRanchFriend.  Good luck, friends!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

****My usual disclaimer...I was not compensated for this post.  I just think Jen and PPB rocks so I wanted to spread the word and share the love!!****