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Leftover Makeover

March 15, 2011

It has been a long day since I drove for 6 hours and then worked too - this won't be a long post. But that doesn't mean that I didn't do a project when I got home. I picked up this lamp at a flea market for $3.
It has a great shape, just needs a little TLC to make it shine. And I knew exactly what to do. Remember the stool that I made over recently? I had enough fabric left over to cover this lamp shade, so that is what I did.

First I taped the cord and socket up with painter's tape. Then I spray painted away the brass to a rich emerald green.

While the lamp base was drying, I covered the lamp shade. I laid out the fabric and sprayed some glue onto it. Then I placed the lamp shade on the fabric and rolled it up like a burrito, making sure to keep the fabric tight and smooth.

After the fabric was around the lamp shade, I trimmed the fabric leaving about half an inch around the top and bottom. Then I used my hot glue gun to glue the extra fabric into the inside of the lamp shade.

Final product:

Isn't it so cute now? Not too bad for $3 and some leftover fabric. However, just like the stool, I need a place to put it. Put this post down on the shortest blog post list - this girl is pooped.