First up is a recycled cabinet door that I made into a menu chalkboard. I painted the cabinet door a fun yellow and then painted the inside of the door with chalkboard paint. Then I cut circles of scrap book and mod podged them onto the cabinet door. Finally I painted a letter onto each circle.
Next up is the starfish garland. I was super excited to find a basket of 6 starfish for $6 at Big Lots. Go run out now and buy one because that is cheap! I took three of the starfish and made some garland out of jute. I put a dab of hot glue on the back and then wound the jute around the starfish three times. Hot glue it again into place and then go about 9 inches up the jute and repeat the hot glue to add another starfish. You can add as many as you want. I draped the garland over the guest bath mirror.
I also made the much-blogged-about coffee filter wreath. And although it is cute, I probably won't make another one. Between the burned fingers and the time factor (it takes a while to fold the coffee filters and glue them all individually) I got bored quickly.
So there you have it, three piddly projects I made this week. Now, go forth and make your own piddly projects. It is okay to take a break from remodeling every once and awhile. And since this is three projects, am I excused from blogging for three days? I'm actually going to be out of town for a few days, but I'll try my best to post while I'm away.